Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Neeraj Grover Case

The judgement of Maria may be correct from legal persepective. But I feel that the insensitivity creeped in later. How can you even think of putting a murder convict accomplice on TV? What kind of message will it give to young kids? Perform a murder or help in murder and get paid for it in 3 years in crores.
A rehabilitation of convicted is absolutely necessary but it should not be a glorified process.

Friday, January 7, 2011

My boxing movies

Well its been 3 months and I need to go back to gym. To do that I needed to pump myself to shrug off the laziness. So, I search for the best sport movies. Most of the list had
Rocky - My fav. I always keep all the parts.
Million dollar baby - Excellent movie. May be one of the best ever made.
Coach Carter
Remember the titans
Cinderalla Man
The Raging Bull

Most of the lists had The Raging Bull on the top of the list. It made me curious. How can I miss the so called boxing movie?

The first thing that you expect from any sports movie is that it should inspire. And the important thing is ethics. Win, loose, team spirit, grit, determination should also be there. Expecting all these I start watching deniro's Raging Bull.
Surprisingly, it had nothing in it to even make you feel like taking a walk in the park forget about pumping weights. To me it was more like a biography of a boxer who was frustrated because he was always suspicious of his wives and took out that frustration on the opponent.
the movie cannot even be put under a sports movie category. There are bouts but only of 10-15 seconds.
Now compare it with Cinderella Man ( I am heavily biased towards Rocky so will not even discuss it). A great movie to watch. It shows the zeal towards life. It shows the importance of being honest at least with one own self. It shows you to respect and love your family. It makes you understand how we should support our friends and family in difficult times.
Each and every scene has been enacted with so much elegance.
And we have Million Dollar baby. For this I will only say that please anybody who has not seen this movie must see it at least once. You may not want to watch it next time but you will never be able to forget Hilary Swank, Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman.
In my list
Rocky will be number one
Million dollar baby number two. Rocky scores on feel good factor. Ending of MDB will either leave you speechless or make you cry.
Cinderella Man number three
There is no place for Raging Bulls

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What a gap

Amazingly, it took me almost one and a half year to blog again. Was something refraining me or was it writer's blog or one and half year went without anything to move or influence me?

Learning chain

Have you noticed sometimes you read something interesting and you want to know whether its true or not. One source is not enough. You doubt the existence of the same. But you dont make any effort in searching the same. Not even google it.

And then, the same term or phrase keep appearing again and again in front of you. It only throws hint but never confirms.

The same happened with me. One day I was totally bored in office so went to library and after a long time I picked a book which had nothing to do with finance and derivatives ( my usual readings) titled How full is your bucket (Not recommended as a must read sort).

There I came to know that North Koreans had this technique of causing negativity and loneliness in its POW so that they dont care about their own existence. And without even firing a bullet in air, NKs killed many a people.

I was little apprehensive about the technique. People always find something to live for. No matter how bad is the situation. I read the book. The only thing I caught this brain washing technique.

And then next day I was watching Shutter Island ( a pretty good movie). I am all hooked up. And suddenly Leonardo comes with a dialogue explaining the same technique. It hit me like wow so this thing really exists (atleast as per America).

May be the mind gets too engaged and alert that it keeps looking for the references and words pertaining to what the mind is searching for. Mind makes it own way.

But if that is true and mind makes its own way then how can we influence it? Deliberately feeding it with opposite information it is looking for.

May be thats how NK worked.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ego boost

guess what can be a real ego boost....... in the past one month it has happened 4 times with me.......guys younger than me coming ot me me and guessing my age less than theirs.....and then getting in real shock knowing that i am atleast as old as they are...........i just love to see that moment........wrk out really is working......need to keep going